
Posts Tagged ‘Anime’

PrincessCast on Panels On Pages

PrincessCast is Podcast that records on the weekend using Skype and posts their show on every Thursday with your hosts Meg White (WonderWomanV2), Spazzy, Sapphire Gypsy, Ska, and Mary aka CaptainPainway. Sometimes they have special guests and people filling in like Spaced4SimonPegg.

They talk about comics, manga, anime, video games, and other things that come to mind. In their own words, Ranty Panties. They rant out about something that didn’t like about their week.

I have heard about some new comics, anime, and video games that I didn’t know about and learned some things about them. I would check them out and join Panels On Pages. It is for nerds who like comics, manga, and video games. If you like all of those, all the better.

There are five episodes, here are three to sample.

PrincessCast Ep. 1

PrincessCast Ep. 2

PrincessCast Ep. 3